Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy, Advent and Christmas and more!

It's been a while since I posted here, and I've been feeling the influence of the Holy Spirit to start writing a lot more as I feel the Second Advent of Christ is near (by near I mean anywhere within the next 10 minutes to 10 centuries, but personally my belief is within the next 100 years).

God bless and please pray for me, and forgive me my wrongs and I forgive others,
let us celebrate this lovely Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy by being Merciful and Loving as Our Father is Merciful and Loving, and let us show our appreciation to Him for giving us this year by being Holy and Righteous, for He is Holy and Righteous!

Lord Jesus Christ, I confess to being prideful, slothful, gluttonous, envious, wrathful, lustful, hateful, and breaking all of the Law and all of the commandments and hating my fellow man instead of loving, of being unmerciful instead of merciful, and being judgmental and vengeful instead of letting the Just Judge take his Righteous Vengeance at the appointed times;   I confess to crucifying Christ Jesus anew daily and I want to be saved and to have my flesh crucified daily.  Purge me and divinize me in this life, cleanse me of all impurity and imperfection and sinful tendencies and sin and impiety so I need no further purging in the next Life.  Keep me from falling into mortal sin and severing my relationship with you or even committing venial sins and hurting my relationship with you through Queen Mary, My Mother Who Is the Immaculate Conception and Queen of Heaven, Our Lady of Guadalupe, our Lady of Lourdes, our lady of Fatima, Our Lady of Kibeho, Our Lady of the Pillar, Our Lady of Peace, the Co-Redemptrix and Mediatrix of All graces and Queen of Heavens Armies and also through her General St Michael the Archangel, the Prince of Heavens Armies.  Through the prayers of Queen Mother Mary and Sts. Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael and all the Archangels together with the Apostles Peter and Paul and all the Saints have mercy on us.
 In the infinite Divine Mercy of Jesus Christ our Lord, save us from the Mighty, the Terrible, the Great God, the God who thundered and spoke on Sinai and made the Israelites beg to stop speaking lest they die, and for Moses to speak to them as a mediator between the Father and them, as the Father has now sent His Son Jesus, the New Moses as the Mediator of the New and Eternal Covenant,  with the help of the Spirit of Truth, the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete, let us appease , through the Providential Betrayal, the First Eucharist and Last Supper, the Passion and Crucifixion, the Sacrifice of the Precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity which was beaten during the passion, pierced during the crucifixion, and wounded by our sins in his soul and divinity, He Who Is the Atonement for our sins, Almighty God the Fathers righteous anger, divine wrath, and furious judgement and perfect justice, which is daily provoked by the sacrilege’s and indifferences of ungrateful and ignorant men and women; men and women under the influence of pride, under the influence of the prince of the power of the air, the fleeing serpent, the dragon, the devil and satan who was once Lucifer the Light Bearer but is now Satan the adversary of all that is good and purveyor of every perversion and evil sin in the world.
 All sin and death and decay has its roots in the devil, for God did not create death, it came into the world through the envy of the devil, since the Devil refused to bow down to God and serve God when he found out God was going to create a physical universe and bring about a being part physical, part spiritual, Satan could not understand this and wanted to overthrow God, so therefore he convinced himself and a third of the angels that they may somehow overthrow God and become God, but look what happened, he was cast from heaven and thrown down to earth where he roams to and fro like a man roams a small garden plot, except this is his small prison cell, this massive beast of pure evil and darkness, this fleeing serpent and leviathan and behemoth of a monster who’s time is short so he wants to inflict as much pain and death as possible before his time of torment comes.  Help me to always walk, talk, act, and think with my soul, spirit, body and will perfectly in line with the Will of God, the Soul of Jesus, the Body of Jesus, and the Holy Spirit of God.  Fill me with the Paraclete, who utters what I know not how to say since I know not how to pray, and teach me to be perfect as you are Perfect Father!  Divinize me so I may be a Saint, so as to imitate the Saint of saints, Jesus Christ, True God and True Man, who all the Saints from Saint Andrew the First Called to Saint Junipero Sera imitated and made it into the ranks of the Church Triumphant.  Teach me and help me to be effective in fulfilling my baptismal vows of always following God, always renouncing satan and his pomp and works and sin and lies, and to always act as a Priest, a Prophet, and a King, which I have been anointed as.  Let me be Christ’s hands and feet to the homeless and despairing.  Let those who are being oppressed by the devil be relieved temporally or spiritually by me in  any way I may help them, through prayer, fasting, alms, or the corporal works of mercy or any other charitable acts I may accomplish.  Help me to be a Faithful Priest like Melchizedek of Old, who prefigured the Christ and a Priest like Aaron and Righteous Zadok and Zechariah, help me to be a Prophet and imitate the great Prophet and Patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph, a Prophet like King David, a wise Prophet like Solomon, a Mystic Prophet like Elijah and Elisha, a fearless Prophet like Isaiah and Jeremiah, a Priest-Prophet like Ezekiel, a Wise Prophet in a foreign Land like Daniel, and lastly help me to be a King, a righteous and fearless King who repented of his sins and became a holier man because of it like King David, a Wise King like Solomon , a Holy King like Josiah, who were all types of the KING of kings, King Jesus.   Cleanse me of my impurities and fill me with the Holy Spirit, Maranatha, Maranatha, Maranatha, and Come Lord Jesus! 

Amen and Amen!

God Bless All!
Grace and peace
-Jason Michael Spyridon Prewara

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Akathist hymn to St. Therese of Lisieux

Akathist to Saint Therese of the Child Jesus

Kontakion 1
To thee O Little Flower of Jesus, we thy brothers and sisters in the Faith sing a hymn of praise as to one who scaled the heights of purity and piety, and we thy fellow yokemates cry out from our hearts: 
Rejoice, thou Fragrant Flower of Jesus!

Ekos 1
The Lord Jesus came to thee and set thy heart aflame with love for Him and His Mother, saying Rejoice, My little Flower!  And thee in reply O most pure Virgin and Saint Therese didst say, behold, I am Thine O My Jesus:
Rejoice, thou most pure Spouse of Christ!
Rejoice, beholder of the Child Jesus!
Rejoice, thou most wise Teacher of the faithful!
Rejoice, the co-Patron of the French!
Rejoice, more glorious than the darkness of the world!
Rejoice, steadfast lover of the Rock named Peter!
Rejoice, faithful servant of the Most High God!
Rejoice, beholder of things Divine!
Rejoice, proponent of the True Faith!
Rejoice, Most Chaste and Holy Flower!
Rejoice, Receptacle of the Redemption!
Rejoice, flower of France!
Rejoice, thou Fragrant Flower of Jesus!

Kontakion 2
Seeing thyself little but being large in the eyes of God, thou didst live a life of true devotion and love for thy Lord Jesus Christ, and now in return for the merits which thou didst earn through a life of true piety, the Lord has seen fit to magnify thy name upon earth, so the Church militant can cry out:  Alleluiah!

Ekos 2
Being a Doctor of the Divine even after death, thou teachest the world how to pray and rejoice in the Love of the Lord, and knowing this we thy fellow servants sing to thy Spouse with thee:
Rejoice, revealer of the reverence to God!
Rejoice, spotless saint of the Church!
Rejoice, blessed of the Lord in the vision of God!
Rejoice, reclining at the Banquet of the Lamb!
Rejoice, foe of the devils!
Rejoice, friend of the faithful!
Rejoice, bride of the Lord!
Rejoice, teacher of every virtue!
Rejoice, lover of all that is true!
Rejoice, inspiration of the Popes!
Rejoice, daughter of Mary!
Rejoice, servant of the Church!
Rejoice, thou Fragrant Flower of Jesus!

Kontakion 3
The Power of God came upon thee when thou wast but still a young and tender girl, but even still inside thou wast mature and ripe in the union of God and bearing many fruits of the Spirit and virtues of Providence, and so we magnify thy name for the Glory of God as we sing:  Alleluiah!

Ekos 3
Filled with the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, thou didst nourish the faithful with the Word of God in simplicity with the Little Way, and we in imitation of the simplicity and love which thou hast taught us sing to thee:
Rejoice, in union with the Holy Trinity!
Rejoice, in simplicity of heart!
Rejoice, most beloved bride of God!
Rejoice, worthy of veneration for thy virtues!
Rejoice, with Our Lord Jesus Christ!
Rejoice, in heaven with all the saints!
Rejoice, author of amiable works!
Rejoice, lover of life!
Rejoice, citadel of salvation!
Rejoice, blessed beauty of Peter’s Barque!
Rejoice, laborer in the fields of God!
Rejoice, good Sister in our Salvation!
Rejoice, thou Fragrant Flower of Jesus!

Kontakion 4
All thy life thou didst desire to behold the Holy Face of Our Lord, and now after a lifetime of labors in love thou hast been rewarded with an eternity to dwell on the Most Beautiful Face of Our God and His Christ, therefore it is truly meet and right to cry aloud with thee and sing:  Alleluiah!

Ekos 4
Together with the souls of the Just made perfect and the Spirits of the LORD God we sing praises with thee to the Most High God, and we give love and honor to a soul so bright, so pure, and as beloved as thee:
Rejoice, believer of the Promises of the forefathers!
Rejoice, best friend of sinners!
Rejoice, beholder of the Face of Jesus!
Rejoice, crown of the chaste!
Rejoice, always praising the Father in the Son!
Rejoice, forever blessing the Spirit of God!
Rejoice, always a help to humanity!
Rejoice, pure and chaste model of benevolence!
Rejoice, Doctor of the Catholic Faith!
Rejoice, forever feeling the love of God!
Rejoice, singing with us to the Godhead!
Rejoice, making a canticle to Our Christ!
Rejoice, thou Fragrant Flower of Jesus!

Kontakion 5
Having despaired at the death of thy loved ones, thou wast wounded in spirit, but raising thine eyes to the Lord Jesus, he comforted thee in thy sorrows and aided thee in thy afflictions; therefore we who likewise are afflicted with sorrows, seek thy intercession to the Lord that he may comfort us as well, and so we cry:  Alleluiah!

Ekos 5
Learning of the devotion of this Doctor of the Church only after her death and birth in Paradise, her Sisters and all who learned of her likewise have led us to sing out in joy:
Rejoice, devotee of the Mother of God!
Rejoice, author of many hymns of praise!
Rejoice, mother of majestic manuals!
Rejoice, for you are forever to be remembered!
Rejoice, teacher of the Way of God!
Rejoice, flood of spiritual Triumph!
Rejoice, O Wise matriarch in the Faith!
Rejoice, Saint Beloved by millions!
Rejoice, blessed little soul!
Rejoice, magnificent in the eyes of God!
Rejoice, thou who taught us worthy worship!
Rejoice, guide of those seeking simplicity!
Rejoice, thou Fragrant Flower of Jesus!

Kontakion 6
We give thanks to the Most High God for having granted thee to the world, for even though thy life lasted a mere twenty four years, thy memory and legacy will carry on for all eternity because of the mighty Deeds of God which thou worked in thy lifetime and continue to work thereafter, and so we thank God always with voices lifted in praise: Alleluiah!

Ekos 6
We give Honor, Praise and Adoration to the Adorable Trinity in the memory of the blessed Saint of Lisieux named Therese, and we always sing faithfully and triumphantly for every one of the Saints because they have gained the Victory over death through the death of the one who destroyed death by death, the Resurrected Lord, Jesus Christ, therefore we rejoice in the Light of the Saints and say:
Rejoice, thou who livest forever with God!
Rejoice, with our Eternal Shepherd!
Rejoice, ever making merry in Paradise!
Rejoice, forever with thy beloved Jesus!
Rejoice, for death has been swallowed up in Life!
Rejoice, because Christ has set us free!
Rejoice, for thou hast attained Salvation!
Rejoice, fruit of the Resurrection!
Rejoice, daughter of Our Father!
Rejoice, ever praising the Almighty God!
Rejoice, forever and ever!
Rejoice, thou that prayed without ceasing!
Rejoice, thou Fragrant Flower of Jesus!

Kontakion 7
Beloved bride of Jesus, thou lived a life of purity and dedication to thy Lord, and now thou hast reaped the benefits of the seeds of sanctity which thou sowed in thy lifetime, and knowing that thy fruit is as lovely as the seeds which thou hast sown, we sing with thee:  Alleluiah!

Ekos 7
Saint Therese of Lisieux, thy entire family was a model of the Holy Family, a blessing to the world and a true sign of the God of All to the entire world, we love you and we thank you and we thank your beautiful Mother and your pious Father, as well as your beautiful mother and your pious father, and in thanksgiving for the blessing we have received in thee we cry aloud:
Rejoice, blessed little Flower!
Rejoice, lover of the Lord!
Rejoice, great and holy Saint of God!
Rejoice, most pious pilgrim!
Rejoice, forgiver of thy enemies!
Rejoice, thou who wast most fervent in prayer!
Rejoice, giving thanks to God on high!
Rejoice, ever fruitful and multiplying in alms deeds!
Rejoice, never wavering in thy convictions for Christ!
Rejoice, still believing during thy darkest night!
Rejoice, ever faithful friend of Our Lord!
Rejoice, beloved mother of many spiritual children!
Rejoice, thou Fragrant Flower of Jesus!

Kontakion 8
If ever there was a bride of Jesus who imitated the Virgin Mother of Jesus in a most perfect way, it was thee O most beloved Therese, therefore we cry out together with thee in singing hymns of praise to He Who Is Worthy of Worship:  Alleluiah!

Ekos 8
Filled with the energy of God and ever meditating what the Essence of God must be, thou attained great spiritual heights whilst still inhabiting the flesh, and thou wast untethered to reach unspeakable heights when thy soul departed the flesh to stand before its Maker, and now being lifted on high we sing with thee:
Rejoice, sojourner on the summits of Shaddai!
Rejoice, reveler in the rotundas of El Roi!
Rejoice, Blessed Therese of the Child Jesus!
Rejoice, ever thankful saint of the Lord!
Rejoice, perfect example of piety!
Rejoice, blessed by the Pope!
Rejoice, blessed with St. Joan of Arc!
Rejoice, filled with the faith of France!
Rejoice, most dear devotion of Notre Dame!
Rejoice, ever filled with Life!
Rejoice, together with all the Church Triumphant!
Rejoice, thou as sweet as a flower!
Rejoice, thou Fragrant Flower of Jesus!

Kontakion 9
All of Lisieux can marvel at the mysteries which one who was brought up in this small village has revealed to the world, and at the mighty power of God which exalts the lowly and humbles the exalted, the One who keeps faith to a thousand generations of those that love Him, and has blessed so much this Little Flower of His, and causes us to cry unceasingly:  Alleluiah!

Ekos 9
Never seeing the Lord yet always rejoicing, thou art a true example of what faith is to be, lived in sincere devotion, in simplicity of heart, becoming as a little child, being as wise as a serpent yet harmless as a dove, always keeping and holding the death and resurrection of Our Sweetest Jesus in our hearts and meditating on His Mysteries, and being filled with the riches of devotion which cause us to break out in song saying:
Rejoice, ever filled with the Holy Spirit!
Rejoice, never ending songs of praise!
Rejoice, wisdom of God inhabiting thy soul!
Rejoice, plunderer of the powers of death!
Rejoice, surrounded by the angels!
Rejoice, always making merry!
Rejoice, remember us in thy prayers!
Rejoice, together with Christ in God!
Rejoice, forever at home in the hearts of sinners!
Rejoice, rebelling against sin and death!
Rejoice, reveling in virtue and life!
Rejoice, at home in Heaven!
Rejoice, thou Fragrant Flower of Jesus!

Kontakion 10
With a desire to love all against all odds, thou didst fulfill thy mission assigned to thee by thy adorable Spouse, and in great admiration of this most arduous task that thou hast accomplished, we thy brethren sing aloud with thee:  Alleluiah!

Ekos 10
As with so much charity and patience thou hast been brought into the Temple of God, we who are in the war against the flesh here on earth seek thy intercession, for thou hast boldness before the Mighty God and say always:
Rejoice, receptacle of the reverence of God!
Rejoice, loved by both God and men!
Rejoice, thou that overcame the world!
Rejoice, thee that attained Divinization!
Rejoice, little flower of the Branch of David!
Rejoice, blessed and beatific beauty!
Rejoice, ever against all evil!
Rejoice, standing up for what is right!
Rejoice, Nun who dost love the Son!
Rejoice, loyal daughter of the Theotokos!
Rejoice, habitation of the Holy One!
Rejoice, reputation of a spotless Spouse!
Rejoice, thou Fragrant Flower of Jesus!

Kontakion 11
A stalwart supporter of the Spirit of God, thou didst disdain the world as to never offend thy God and Savior, and this has become the sweetest fruit for thee who now art ever blessed and glorified in the glorious Lord, looking up to thee as a Holy mother of the Faith, we cry out together with thee:  Alleluiah!

Ekos 11
A sinner such as me needs as much as prayer as is possible, therefore I sing this hymn in remembrance of a saint such as thyself, in the hope that thou mayst pray to God for me and that after a lifetime of imitating the lives of many saints such as thee I might praise God and contemplate His Holy Face together with thee, and so I sing:
Rejoice, sweet mother who was filled with wisdom!
Rejoice, thou that didst love Our Lord!
Rejoice, together with all of Heaven!
Rejoice, never forget those who invoke thee!
Rejoice, beautiful bride of Jesus!
Rejoice, with thy whole family of Saints!
Rejoice, ever glorious great mother of the Church!
Rejoice, thou that didst teach the faithful!
Rejoice, forever faithful!
Rejoice, virgin amongst virgins!
Rejoice, seed that fell on good ground!
Rejoice, most wise virgin who filled her lamp!
Rejoice, thou Fragrant Flower of Jesus!

Kontakion 12
O Glorious St. Therese of the Child Jesus, thou never gave up the good fight even in the face of adversity, thou who art full of faith and love, therefore we sing thy praises as we call to mind all that thou taught us to say and do in thy short life on earth, and we sing:  Alleluiah!

Ekos 12
Thou who beholdest the Holy Face of Jesus at all times, intercede for us always and never cease to pray for the people of God who cry to thee:
Rejoice, holy woman of God!
Rejoice, righteous child of God!
Rejoice, ever pure spouse of Jesus!
Rejoice, aroma of the flowers of faith!
Rejoice, sweetness of the Spirit!
Rejoice, oil of compunction and praise!
Rejoice, most pure spiritual mother!
Rejoice, lovely and adorable friend!
Rejoice, simple and charitable daughter!
Rejoice, devout and holy one!
Rejoice, ever blessed saint!
Rejoice, sweet smell of sanctity!
Rejoice, thou Fragrant Flower of Jesus!

Kontakion 13
O all-laudable and ever blessed Flower of Jesus, the Little Flower of simplicity, the Flower of purity, the Flower of Virginity, the Flower of righteousness, the Flower of gladness, the Flower of Love, the Flower of the spirit, the Flower of purity, the Flower of humility, the Flower of grace, never cease to praise the Mighty and Wondrous God, Father, Son and Spirit:  Alleluiah!  (Repeat this Kontakion three times)  Then:

Ekos 1
The Lord Jesus came to thee and set thy heart aflame with love for Him and His Mother, saying Rejoice, My little Flower!  And thee in reply O most pure Virgin and Saint Therese didst say, behold, I am Thine O My Jesus:
Rejoice, thou most pure Spouse of Christ!
Rejoice, beholder of the Child Jesus!
Rejoice, thou most wise Teacher of the faithful!
Rejoice, the co-Patron of the French!
Rejoice, more glorious than the darkness of the world!
Rejoice, steadfast lover of the Rock named Peter!
Rejoice, faithful servant of the Most High God!
Rejoice, beholder of things Divine!
Rejoice, proponent of the True Faith!
Rejoice, Most Chaste and Holy Flower!
Rejoice, Receptacle of the Redemption!
Rejoice, flower of France!
Rejoice, thou Fragrant Flower of Jesus!

Kontakion 1
To thee O Little Flower of Jesus, we thy brothers and sisters in the Faith sing a hymn of praise as to one who scaled the heights of purity and piety, and we thy fellow yokemates cry out from our hearts: 
Rejoice, thou Fragrant Flower of Jesus!

Concluding prayer to St. Therese of the Child Jesus:
O Holy and Pure St. Therese of Lisieux, you lived a life of exemplary purity and holiness; therefore we call always on thy name and on Our God to help us always.  O God, forgive us our sins and bless us always through the powerful intercessions of the Most Pure Virgin Saint Therese, always remember her when Thou rememberst us O Lord our God, help us to grow in charity and chastity until we become perfect in charity and chastity as the glorious St. Therese did become perfect, for whoever sins does not know thee.  Therefore, we seek always the intercessions of all the virgins, the Glorious Virgin Mary, the ever blessed St. Therese, the wonderful St. Gemma Galgani and all the Virgin-Martyrs of thine, and we seek always to do Thy Will O God.  St. Therese, pray for us to always practice thy little way, and for us to become little in the world so we may become big with God, pray for us to be wise as serpents yet gentle as doves, pray for the Lord to forgive us our iniquities and overlook our transgressions, so we may always ascribe glory, honor, and praise to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, and that through the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos and all the angels and saints, and especially St. Therese of the Child Jesus, we may be granted great mercy by our Lord,

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Miracles in the Gospel according to St. John

The many miracles in the Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to St. John

Have you ever heard or read that the Gospel of St. John does not contain many miracles, or that it only contains seven signs?  I’ve put together a small list, and we can conclude that the Gospel of John has at least 12 – 17 miracles, or supernatural happenings, which go to show that Jesus Christ is LORD.
#1) John 1:47-50 Jesus saw Nathanael coming toward him and said of him, “Here is a true Israelite. There is no duplicity in him.” 48 Nathanael said to him, “How do you know me?” Jesus answered and said to him, “Before Philip called you, I saw you under the fig tree.” 49 Nathanael answered him, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the King of Israel.” 50 Jesus answered and said to him, “Do you believe because I told you that I saw you under the fig tree? You will see greater things than this.”
Prescience.  That is not natural, that is supernatural, hence miracle #1 in the Gospel of John.  This is one of several Johannine miracles which establish the Omniscience of Jesus.  John goes to great lengths to show that Jesus is Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omnibenevolent. 
#2) John 2:9 And when the headwaiter tasted the water that had become wine, without knowing where it came from
Water into wine.  This one is well known, so enough said there.
#3) John 2:23-25 While he was in Jerusalem for the feast of Passover, many began to believe in his name when they saw the signs he was doing. 24 But Jesus would not trust himself to them because he knew them all, 25 and did not need anyone to testify about human nature. He himself understood it well.
This is not a miraculous act in and of itself, but it is another testimony of a miraculous fact.  It is a statement of Jesus omniscience – Jesus needs nobody to tell Him anything, because He is God who knows everything since all exists in Him.
#4) John 4:29 “Come see a man who told me everything I have done. Could he possibly be the Messiah?”
When Jesus speaks to the woman at the well, he “tells her all she has ever done”.  I do not know about you, but when I meet a stranger walking down the street, I do not normally tell them everything they have done and have them proclaim that I am the Messiah.  I would say this is miraculous, wouldn’t you?
#5) John 4:50-51 “You may go; your son will live.” The man believed what Jesus said to him and left. 51 While he was on his way back, his slaves met him and told him that his boy would live.
Healing the Royal Officials son, Jesus shows his Omnipotence and power over life and death, sickness and health.
#6) John 5:8-9 Jesus said to him, “Rise, take up your mat, and walk.” 9 Immediately the man became well, took up his mat, and walked.
Jesus heals and a paralytic.  Again showing His Omnipotence.
#7) John 6:14  When the people saw the sign he had done, they said, “This is truly the Prophet, the one who is to come into the world.” 1
 Jesus multiplies the bread and fish, in an act prefiguring the multiplication of His Own Body and Blood. 
#8) John 6:19-20  When they had rowed about three or four miles, they saw Jesus walking on the sea and coming near the boat, and they began to be afraid. 20 But he said to them, “I AM. Do not be afraid.”
How’s that for a testimony of Jesus to His Divinity?  He comes walking on the water to his disciples – they are, understandably, petrified.  His reply?  “Do not fear, I am the LORD God.”  Oh, but he didn’t say that you say?  In Greek, Ergo Imee is the Name of God in Exodus.  St. John was connecting Jesus words here with Exodus, identifying Jesus with the LORD.
#9) John 6:21 They wanted to take him into the boat, but the boat immediately arrived at the shore to which they were heading.
This one is often overlooked, but it is one of my favorite miracles of Christ.  After the disciples have witnessed him feeding thousands of people with a few loaves of bread, and then walking on water and saying He is God, Jesus tops it all off by teleporting them to shore from the middle of the sea.  It’s like Jesus was saying “do you get it now?  I told you, I AM GOD”.
#10) John 7:29-30  I know him, because I am from him, and he sent me.” 30 So they tried to arrest him, but no one laid a hand upon him, because his hour had not yet come.
Jesus again infuriates his audience by making blatant claims to Godhood.  He gets them so upset at his insistent claims of Divinity that they decide to arrest him so they can bring him up on charges of blasphemy and stone him.  Jesus had other plans in mind.  Jesus, since He is God, has complete Sovereignty over the hearts and minds of men.  So he did not worry, his hour had not yet come, he simply strolled out of there and there was nothing they could do.  How are you going to lay hands on God unless God wants you to lay hands on Him?
#11) John chapter 9.  The entire 9th chapter of St. Johns Gospel is about Jesus healing a man born blind.  Quite an impressive miracle. 
#12) John 10:39  [Then] they tried again to arrest him; but he escaped from their power.
This ties in with #10.  Again, Jesus infuriates his audience by making blatant claims to Divinity.  And again, they want to kill him, but it is not time.  So He uses his Sovereign Omnipotence to allow himself a safe retreat from his infuriated audience.  Some manuscripts also say “He hid himself and so passed by”.  I like to imagine Jesus making himself go invisible, like He did in some of his post-resurrection appearances, and His angry mob then sitting in bewilderment and thinking “wow, maybe his claims of divinity are true?”
#13) John chapter 11.  The entire 11th chapter of John is a prefiguring of what is to happen at the end of this Gospel story.  Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead, just as the Father will raise the Son from the dead.
#14 – 16) numbers 14 through 16 happen throughout the final chapters of the Gospel of John.  They include knowledge of His own death, and knowledge over who was to betray him (Omniscience) and power over the guards who arrest him (when they go to arrest him, he says the Divine Name, I AM! And they fall back because of the Mighty Power of God) and finally His own Glorious Resurrection and post-Resurrection appearances. 

So in summary, I believe I have demonstrated how the common opinion that there are only seven miracles in Johns gospel is false, and there are actually about twice as many, at least 14, and as many as 18, depending on how you count and what you count as a miracle.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner.
Pray for me, brothers and sisters!