Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy, Advent and Christmas and more!

It's been a while since I posted here, and I've been feeling the influence of the Holy Spirit to start writing a lot more as I feel the Second Advent of Christ is near (by near I mean anywhere within the next 10 minutes to 10 centuries, but personally my belief is within the next 100 years).

God bless and please pray for me, and forgive me my wrongs and I forgive others,
let us celebrate this lovely Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy by being Merciful and Loving as Our Father is Merciful and Loving, and let us show our appreciation to Him for giving us this year by being Holy and Righteous, for He is Holy and Righteous!

Lord Jesus Christ, I confess to being prideful, slothful, gluttonous, envious, wrathful, lustful, hateful, and breaking all of the Law and all of the commandments and hating my fellow man instead of loving, of being unmerciful instead of merciful, and being judgmental and vengeful instead of letting the Just Judge take his Righteous Vengeance at the appointed times;   I confess to crucifying Christ Jesus anew daily and I want to be saved and to have my flesh crucified daily.  Purge me and divinize me in this life, cleanse me of all impurity and imperfection and sinful tendencies and sin and impiety so I need no further purging in the next Life.  Keep me from falling into mortal sin and severing my relationship with you or even committing venial sins and hurting my relationship with you through Queen Mary, My Mother Who Is the Immaculate Conception and Queen of Heaven, Our Lady of Guadalupe, our Lady of Lourdes, our lady of Fatima, Our Lady of Kibeho, Our Lady of the Pillar, Our Lady of Peace, the Co-Redemptrix and Mediatrix of All graces and Queen of Heavens Armies and also through her General St Michael the Archangel, the Prince of Heavens Armies.  Through the prayers of Queen Mother Mary and Sts. Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael and all the Archangels together with the Apostles Peter and Paul and all the Saints have mercy on us.
 In the infinite Divine Mercy of Jesus Christ our Lord, save us from the Mighty, the Terrible, the Great God, the God who thundered and spoke on Sinai and made the Israelites beg to stop speaking lest they die, and for Moses to speak to them as a mediator between the Father and them, as the Father has now sent His Son Jesus, the New Moses as the Mediator of the New and Eternal Covenant,  with the help of the Spirit of Truth, the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete, let us appease , through the Providential Betrayal, the First Eucharist and Last Supper, the Passion and Crucifixion, the Sacrifice of the Precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity which was beaten during the passion, pierced during the crucifixion, and wounded by our sins in his soul and divinity, He Who Is the Atonement for our sins, Almighty God the Fathers righteous anger, divine wrath, and furious judgement and perfect justice, which is daily provoked by the sacrilege’s and indifferences of ungrateful and ignorant men and women; men and women under the influence of pride, under the influence of the prince of the power of the air, the fleeing serpent, the dragon, the devil and satan who was once Lucifer the Light Bearer but is now Satan the adversary of all that is good and purveyor of every perversion and evil sin in the world.
 All sin and death and decay has its roots in the devil, for God did not create death, it came into the world through the envy of the devil, since the Devil refused to bow down to God and serve God when he found out God was going to create a physical universe and bring about a being part physical, part spiritual, Satan could not understand this and wanted to overthrow God, so therefore he convinced himself and a third of the angels that they may somehow overthrow God and become God, but look what happened, he was cast from heaven and thrown down to earth where he roams to and fro like a man roams a small garden plot, except this is his small prison cell, this massive beast of pure evil and darkness, this fleeing serpent and leviathan and behemoth of a monster who’s time is short so he wants to inflict as much pain and death as possible before his time of torment comes.  Help me to always walk, talk, act, and think with my soul, spirit, body and will perfectly in line with the Will of God, the Soul of Jesus, the Body of Jesus, and the Holy Spirit of God.  Fill me with the Paraclete, who utters what I know not how to say since I know not how to pray, and teach me to be perfect as you are Perfect Father!  Divinize me so I may be a Saint, so as to imitate the Saint of saints, Jesus Christ, True God and True Man, who all the Saints from Saint Andrew the First Called to Saint Junipero Sera imitated and made it into the ranks of the Church Triumphant.  Teach me and help me to be effective in fulfilling my baptismal vows of always following God, always renouncing satan and his pomp and works and sin and lies, and to always act as a Priest, a Prophet, and a King, which I have been anointed as.  Let me be Christ’s hands and feet to the homeless and despairing.  Let those who are being oppressed by the devil be relieved temporally or spiritually by me in  any way I may help them, through prayer, fasting, alms, or the corporal works of mercy or any other charitable acts I may accomplish.  Help me to be a Faithful Priest like Melchizedek of Old, who prefigured the Christ and a Priest like Aaron and Righteous Zadok and Zechariah, help me to be a Prophet and imitate the great Prophet and Patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph, a Prophet like King David, a wise Prophet like Solomon, a Mystic Prophet like Elijah and Elisha, a fearless Prophet like Isaiah and Jeremiah, a Priest-Prophet like Ezekiel, a Wise Prophet in a foreign Land like Daniel, and lastly help me to be a King, a righteous and fearless King who repented of his sins and became a holier man because of it like King David, a Wise King like Solomon , a Holy King like Josiah, who were all types of the KING of kings, King Jesus.   Cleanse me of my impurities and fill me with the Holy Spirit, Maranatha, Maranatha, Maranatha, and Come Lord Jesus! 

Amen and Amen!

God Bless All!
Grace and peace
-Jason Michael Spyridon Prewara

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