Using my limited knowledge of Biblical Hebrew and Septuagint Greek, and my decent understanding of English and Bible translations and the history thereof, plus technology afforded me by the endeavors of science, I have created a very woodenly literal concordant translation of Genesis 1. I think you will find some things very interesting.... most specifically... Dinosaurs in the Bible!
God bless!
1:1 In beginning He created, Elohim, the Heavens and the Earth.
2 And the earth, she became chaos, and vacancy and darkness was
over the surfaces of the abyss, and Spirit of Elohim vibrating over surfaces of the waters.
3 And He is saying, Elohim, he shall become Light,
and He is becoming Light.
4 And he is seeing, Elohim, the Light is good,
and he is separating, Elohim, between the Light and between the darkness.
5 And he is calling, Elohim, to the light Day, and to the darkness he calls night, and he is becoming evening, and he is becoming morning, age one.
6 And he is saying, Elohim, he shall become atmosphere in midst of the waters, and coming is a separation between waters to waters.
7 And he is making, Elohim, the atmosphere, and he is sparating between the water which is under the atmosphere and between the waters from on top the atmosphere, and he is becoming so.
8 And he is calling, Elohim, the atmosphere 'heavens.' And he is becoming evening and he is becoming morning, age two.
9 And he is saying, Elohim, they shall flow together, the waters under the heavens to one place, and she shall be seen, the dry land. And he is becoming so.
10 And he is calling, Elohim, the dry land, and the confluence of the waters He calls seas. And seeing is the Elohim that it is good.
11 And he is saying, Elohim, she shall cause to vegetate the land - vegetation, herbage, sowing seed, trees of fruit making fruit of his species, which seed of him is in himself on the land; and he is becoming so.
12 And she is bringing forth the land; vegetation, herbage, sowing seed to species of him, and trees making fruit of his species, which seed of him is in himself, and seeing is the Elohim that it is good.
13 And he is becoming evening, and he is becoming morning, age three.
14 And God is saying, he shall become luminaries in the atmosphere of the heavens, to separate between the day and between the night, and they become for signs and for appointed seasons and for days and years.
15 And they become for lights in the atmosphere of the heavens to give light on the earth, and he is becoming so.
16 And making is the Elohim two of the luminaries the great ones, the great luminary to rule the day, and the lesser luminary to rule the night, and the stars.
17 And bestowing them is the Elohim in atmosphere of the heavens, to give light on the earth.
18 And to rule in the day and in the night, and to separate between the light and the darkness, and seeing is the Elohim that it good.
19 And he is becoming evening, and he is becoming morning, age four.
20 And he is saying, Elohim, Roam shall the waters with the roaming creature, living souls, and winged creatures shall fly over the earth, on the face of the atmosphere of the heavens.
21 And creating is the Elohim great dinosaurs, great sea creatures, and every living moving soul, with which the water teems, after there species, and every winged flyer from its species. And seeing is the Elohim that it was good.
22 And he is blessing them, Elohim, saying, Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the waters of the seas, and let the winged creatures multiply on the earth.
23 And he is becoming evening, and he is becoming morning, age five.
24 And God is saying, the earth - she shall bring forth the living soul from the species of her (the earth), large moving animals, all sorts of quadrepeds and beast of the land species of mother earth, and He is becoming so.
25 And making is the Elohim, the animal of the earth in their species, and the behemoth animals in their species, and every moving animal of the ground from its species. And God is seeing that it was good.
26 And he is saying, Elohim, We shall make Humanity in the image of Us, as a likeness of Us: and they shall reign over the fish of the sea, and over the flyer of the heavens, and over the behemoth beasts, and over all land life, and over every moving animal moving on the land.
27 And He is creating, Elohim, the Human in His Own Image, in the Image of God he created him, male and female created he them.
28 And blessing them is the Elohim, and God is saying to them, Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth, and subdue you her; Reign over the fish of the sea, and over the flyer in the heavens, and over every animal, and over all the earth, all life moving on the land.
29 And saying is the Elohim, Behold, I give to you all plants bearing seed, which is on the surface of the entire earth, and every tree which has in it the fruit of a tree bearing seed; for you he is becoming for food.
30 And for every animal of the earth, and for every flyer of the heavens, and for every creeping being on the land, which has in it a living soul, all green vegetation is for food; and he is becoming so.
31 And God is seeing all of which He made, and, behold, it is very good! And he is becoming evening and he is becoming morning, age six.
2:1 And they are being finished, the heavens and the earth and all of the masses of them.
2 And he is finishing, Elohim, in age seven the work of him which he had made; and he is ceasing in the seventh age from all work of his which he had made.
3 And he is blessing, Elohim, the seventh age, and he is making it holy; because that in him he ceased from all work of him which he created, Elohim, to do of.