Sunday, January 8, 2017

I know nothing

I apologize to all if I have given the impression of being someone who is learned in matters of faith.

The truth is I am noone.  I am a simple layman.  I am a recovering drig addict.  I am an unemployed man with little ambition and a lot of pride.

I think I know more than I do, and I loke to play the teacher as if I know, but the fact is I know 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000001% of all there is to know in this Universe.....  and considering God is infinite, I know much less of him.

All I can tell you folks I know, is that I know nothing.  I know nothing but I am a worm and no man, a speck of dust walking a larger speck of dust in a seemingly marvelously vast cosmos which exists as a grain of sand in the Infinite God.

I know I have less than 90 years left on this Earth before either my body returns to Earth and my soul returns to God, or the Lord Jesus comes again.

I know I need your prayers, and your support.

I know I need God, and I need his mercy and love.

I know I try to love and follow God yet consistently fall short.

So I apologize if I have given anyone the impression of being a wiseguy, a know it all, or a smart alec.  Its one of my character flaws and sins of pride to think my tiny human mind and finite soul, a tiny spark of God, somehow makes me omniscient.

God forgive me for pretending to know what I know not.

God help me never to teach what is false.

Lord Jesus help me to never speak a word which is not 100% True.

God grant me the serenity  to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference, Amen.

Please friends, pray for me to always remember I am dust and ashes.

Pray for me to constantly meditate on these words of the Wise Patriarch St. Job -

Job 42:3,6
"Who is this who obscures counsel with ignorance?  I have spoken but did not understand;  things too marvelous for me, which I did not know.  Therefore I disown what I have said, and repent in dust and ashes."

Lastly friends, help me and pray for me to always remember what St. Thomas Aquinas said to his assistant Reginald of Piperno after he had seen a mystical vision, and Reginald asked him to continue writing his Summa, and St. Thomas replied "Reginald, I cannot, for all I have written is so much straw".

May I always remember even if I wrote a thousand books in this life and gave a thousand orations, they will never be more than straw in the face of the Deity.

Lord have mercy

Yours in Christ
Jason Michael Spyridon Prewara

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